Friday, July 25, 2014

The Heavenly Reality

Tonight was the most incredible night! Like I posted before, I've been learning so much during my time here, and I am expanding In so many different ways! I was so hesitant to post this cause I know y'all will think I'm crazy but here goes...

One of my good friends, Candace, had told me that she has had heaven encounters. And contrary to what you might think- like a ray of sun shines on you and magically you're transported to heaven experiencing it- it is more of a time spent one on one with Jesus. For every single person it is different and unique. Anyway, as she was telling me about hers I was totally enthralled and wanted to have one.. So naturally I sat down, squeezed my eyes shut and tried so hard to make it happen but all I saw was black.... Disappointing! Well tonight we had a time where she "set the scene" for our group so every one of us would have a heaven encounter. I was so doubtful because like I said, I'd already tried and failed... It was not going to happen. But that Jesus... He's got quite the sense of humor :) I had one! Candace set the scene by saying that Jesus is at the other end of a long hallway with a door... Picture what he looks like. He's holding the door open to you. Now you have to "lean in" and let him take you wherever you are supposed to go. 

Mine started in a forest. Jesus was holding my hand and we were just walking and when we came to the end, the forest opened onto a beach and we started walking the beach. It reminded me of the story where the man is in heaven and as he looks back at his life he sees two footprints in the sand-one was his and one was Jesus'- and then at rough points in his life there was only one set and he asked Jesus why he wasn't there with him and Jesus tells him that during those times he was being carried. That he never leaves us. So Jesus picked me up and then we were at the gates of heaven. The gates opened to me...whew! :) and Jesus and I started flying! At this point I still had a lot of doubt in my mind and I'm thinking it's just my imagination. So I tell Jesus to show me something that only I could know so i'd know it was real. Then suddenly we were back in the forest and Jesus was typing in coordinates to a geocache, and as he handed the GPS to me he looked me right in the eye and said "this is real". So we found the treasure in the forest and inside was a big old time golden key to which I was like well what the heck does this open? And when I turned around Jesus was holding this brown trunk like box that was glowing. And when I opened it I couldn't really get a good feel for what was in it (I think because I'll be back to see more) but there was this cool glass cup filled with a milkshake. So I asked Jesus if we could have milkshakes together, and we went to this old time soda fountain/ice cream shop. I had a chocolate milkshake already in front of me and I gave Jesus the option of either strawberry, pecan, or mint and he told me he really liked mint. So we had milkshakes together! 

It was such a simple "Vision" or encounter but it was so personal to me that I know it was real! We then went around the circle and people shared what happened and each one was so completely different. 

Like I said I know you're probly thinking I'm crazy, but I'm telling you... It's real!! People think that being a Christian sucks because you go to church every Sunday and Wednesday and sit and listen and repeat... Well that DOES suck!! But what about the kind of Christianity where you can visit heaven and have spiritual encounters?!?! Don't gip yourselves by being scared of the uncertainty as I almost was on this trip. God even says it only takes the faith if a mustard seed to move mountains, so have the faith of a mustard seed to take a step into the unknown! So many Amazing things can happen!! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Other people won't want what you have if they can't see it

This trip has been one of the most eye opening experiences of my life. I'm not really sure the proper words to say to give you all full understanding.Yes we've seen people be healed, we've seen people accept Jesus and be saved, and we've seen children overflowing with joy even in the crappiest of circumstances, but I personally feel changed. I have learned and soaked in so much and I am constantly learning from all the people around me. One of the things that has really resonated with me is the whole concept of Holy Spirit. Thinking about my church at home I honestly can't think of a time when the church acknowledged or seeked out the Holy Spirit. And being here I have found that the Holy Spirit has such a big role that is basically ignored in most churches. Holy Spirit is our comforter, our companion, our conscience, and our best friend. He is the way we speak to God and he is the open door to heaven. When you call the Holy Spirit into a place and ask for his presence, you can feel it! We have been talking a lot about spiritual giftings, and contrary to what I thought (that you can only have one spiritual gift) God has enabled all of us access to all spiritual gifts. All we have to do is ask! And not only that, but through him we have the power to heal the sick and cast away demons and save people! An analogy was said to me that I think makes things a little bit more clear, "when you are an ambassador in a different country you still follow the laws of your own country. You have diplomatic immunity. Well we are all ambassadors of heaven, therefore all that is granted in heaven is granted to us now on earth and we have access to everything in heaven" we have the same powers within us that we will have in heaven and through God we can make miracles happen. This isn't something just from bible times, this is now! 
One night we had a prophecy night with our team. So everyone drew a number to be kept a secret and then our leader would call out number 1. Then you would prophecy over number 1 without knowing who it actually was. For those who don't know, as I didn't, prophecy is when Holy Spirit speaks to you with words or images or audibly something of love and incouragement or instruction. This was a new and kind of terrifying experience as I had never had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. The steps are easy enough though, simply ask Holy Spirit to show you whatever you are meant to prophecy. For me it was more like "Lord I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to be doing but I want to do this." And I was spoken to, not audibly, but with images and words! I have thought my whole life that only others could do it. "Only if you are chosen can you have encounters with the Holy Spirit" but God speaks to all of us, we just have to be willing and ready to listen. 
The thing I have been struggling with is how to know when it's my imagination running wild and when it is Holy Spirit speaking to me. I've come to realize that if it something out of love then it is the Holy Spirit... It is such a powerful thing to know how close God is to us. And though most view him as a distant figure we can't quite reach, we have the door wide open to us through Holy Spirit 24/7. So many people call themselves Christians yet never experience the real relationship with Jesus. And that's exactly what it is, a relationship. Something to be built upon and made stronger. It takes practice. 
The other thing I've really come to realize it that all of the "stuff" we do doesn't mean a thing. We can give out all the food and clothing we want, and we can heal all the people we want. But it's truly about loving people. Showing them true unfathomable love... The kind that Jesus shows to us. The love is what makes the most impact. Love is what stirs our insides and makes us want to do good unto others.. Its what creates the ripple effect. And it's the love that sets people free! Other people won't want what you have if they can't see it. So you must show love to all! Another things I've learned is to not be judgemental which is so cliche but something I really struggle with. I am so quick to judge others and tear them down but I cannot judge others because God gave them more obstacles than he gave me... We are both children with the same father. Everyone deserves love. 
I've ultimately realized that I am and always will be a work in progress. My goal for the meantime is to SHOW people who Jesus is without needing to tell them.

Home is where the heart is

My days are spent dirty from head to toe. I am constantly some tint of orange with a nice layer of dust coating me. Although we do have showers, they aren't up to par where i can actually be completely clean. There are roaches and lizards nestled in my living space and wasps have become something of a friend. I have eaten so much rice and beans I could throw up and I pray to The Lord I never have to squat over a hole in the ground again. But even so... I have never loved a place more nor been so torn to leave a place. These are the things that make this place what it is. More importantly though, it's the kids and community that I have absolutely fallen in love with. Uganda is forever imprinted in me ❤️


One of the things that melts my heart the most about this place is the line of kids that is always waiting for us on the side of the road wherever we go to wave and scream "hi mzungu!" Which means "hi white person!" And a lot of them will run with the van as far as they can. Even after 4years of white people living here... It never gets old for us or for them! 

Say No to Hunger

One of the programs I was able to help with is called say no to hunger. Needy kids in the different villages come for a bible lesson, craft, songs, and meal every Saturday. This was by far my favorite part and I got to make lasting relationships with the kids in my village. Also as part of this all the kids receive monthly checkups and a matesss and mosquito net. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The perfect picture

I've spent so much time trying to get that one picture that depicts Uganda. One that you can see, feel, and hear all that I have. But the truth is that's just not possible. Uganda is so different but alike all the same and the only way to truly get the picture is to be here and experience it. However, I'll do my best to give you a dose of it in a series of pictures...

Our everyday transportation is either by boda... A motor bike, or van.. Which is extremely bumpy! We travel on dirt roads and somehow without any signs these people magically know exactly where every road is/leads to.

This is a typical house

Their work consists of either selling/trading food...

Or making bricks to sell

And I am always so amazed at the abundance of vegetation, all of different variety.

And a little corn to remind me if home :)

The women always have something balanced on their heads

And the sunsets are absolutely unreal!

But the picture that really captures is all...

I ❤️ my second home! 

He's got the whole world in his hands

At this school we did a lesson about how God has the whole world in his hands. We read a book, sang the classic song, and had them do a little craft! This was the first time most of them had ever touched glue or scissors!

Then we had some extra time so we started to play hang man and in explaining the game realized just how morbid it is! The kids absolutely loved "the hanging man" though :)

A little hard work

On one of the outreaches we went to, we were able to do laundry for the villagers! This was the old fashioned way so we got down and dirty!! 
It also poured on us the entire time! 

Mostly the villagers stood around and laughed at us :) 

Health clinic

I got my dose of precious baby's when we went to the village clinic to pray in the labor and delivery unit! 

At the clinic I also was able to play with this little boy... Unfortunately he has a bad case if diarrhea :(
On my second day here in Uganda I went to the clinic that is part of show mercy, the organization I am here with. While I was there one girl came in with a growth on her ear and they were going to alleviate the pressure and see if anything came out. So they asked me to hold her hair back and the other girl I was with had the opportunity to help because she is in nursing school now. Well I don't really remember what happened because I passed out cold on the floor and had a little goose egg to prove it... Whoops! I thought I was supposed to be helping the patients not becoming one myself! But needless I say, I think this really confirmed the fact that I am not meant to work in health care! 

Movie night!

Tonight we had a movie night in the village! We showed the Jesus film which if you haven't seen is basically an older version of passion of the Christ. And for a lot of these people it was the first time they'd ever seen a movie!

Even had a dance party :)


Today we made and brought cookies to some elderly women named Buladina and Regina. They are the cutest sisters! Regina is going very deaf so when Buladina talks to her she legitimately screams in her ear.. They were a hoot! 

This was the first time either of them had cookies or juice and they absolutely loved it! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sweet old souls

Since we have been here we get to participate in elderly outreaches. They are all so stinking cute! 

This is Annette

This is Vincent. He had a stroke and was paralyzed on his left side but has slowly regained all strength except his fingers

As much as I love to love on the kids my heart totally went out for the elderly! 

What makes you special?

Today we went to a school in a nearby village called Bakka. We taught a class of 4th graders about the never ending love of Jesus Christ. We asked the students to then write what makes them special. 

When we started the activity we asked the girls if they thought they were beautiful and sadly only a few said yes. By the end of the class though, they were jumping for joy and were able to tell us more and more things they loved about themselves! It breaks my heart to know that some of these children may have never been told how special and uniquely made they are. And all it takes is one persons encouragement to make them courageous! 

A different kind of school

On my very first day here in Uganda we were able to go teach a bible story at a nearby school. 
This is the entire school building... 2 classrooms and who knows how many grades

This is inside one of the classrooms. There are dirt floors the the "chalkboard" is painted on but about 95% worn off. The kids are crammed into these little benches with about 10inches of board connected to write on as the desktop. The school had extremely minimal supplies.. No paper, crayons, art supplies, ext.. They do have little books but they share one per 7kids and they share pencils the same way. 
But, regardless of all that, these kids genuinly want to be at school and are some of the happiest kids I've ever seen. 
The decor in this class and the coloring pages are craft supplies we brought them!