Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The perfect picture

I've spent so much time trying to get that one picture that depicts Uganda. One that you can see, feel, and hear all that I have. But the truth is that's just not possible. Uganda is so different but alike all the same and the only way to truly get the picture is to be here and experience it. However, I'll do my best to give you a dose of it in a series of pictures...

Our everyday transportation is either by boda... A motor bike, or van.. Which is extremely bumpy! We travel on dirt roads and somehow without any signs these people magically know exactly where every road is/leads to.

This is a typical house

Their work consists of either selling/trading food...

Or making bricks to sell

And I am always so amazed at the abundance of vegetation, all of different variety.

And a little corn to remind me if home :)

The women always have something balanced on their heads

And the sunsets are absolutely unreal!

But the picture that really captures is all...

I ❤️ my second home! 

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