Monday, March 23, 2015

Do as the Grecians do

As I always say, this was the trip of a lifetime! This was my first international trip I've been on that hasn't been for mission work. There was so much to soak in and so many places to visit, but in all honesty, the things I'll remember most is nothing I learned in a museum. If I could change one thing, it would be to spend more time in the culture of Greece. After a while, the ruins all run together... I saw so many danm columns and sculptures with body parts missing! Although it was interesting to learn the history and stories of these ancient places, I thrived exploring with my friends in the streets of Greece. I will return one day... And when I do, I promise to not go back to a single museum!!! 
The people from my school group, as all groups go, we're not all stellar... There always has to be a few haha. But I would say that I was extremely lucky in the choosings! It was such that the people I didn't care to be around all formed a group of their own and the people I did, we bonded like never before! Spending so much time together really tests ones patients, but I definitely formed lifelong friendships. And I could not have been more pleased with the babysitters! The professors were incredible, not just in the sense that they really knew their stuff, but upstanding, funny, and laidback! They always encouraged us to stay up late and to go exploring when we had the chance to really experience this life. And of course, I charmed them as I do so well :) 
Here are some others pictures! 


On the journey back home, it's only fitting that we traveled to London... I mean we were basically already there! Primarily we came because at the British Museum is an exhibit holding the Parthenon Marbels and part of our "school work" is learning about why they are here and not in Greece and what that means for all artifacts. Mostly though, it was a free two days to explore London! 
Naturally with only a limited amount of time, we tried to sqeeze in as much touristy stuff as possible. 6 of us went around to everything together, and figured out the tube system... Which you wouldn't think would be that difficult but it seemed the each worker we asked for assisstance was an idiot and had no idea the lines that did in fact connect or weren't closed being a Sunday! But in hindsight I feel like a BA getting lost and then finding out way! Here are some random pics from throughout the day.

Ocean Views

Today was our last excursion in Greece. We were able to explore on our own for a while in the morning and snag some great deals...unfortunately no gelato was open :(

Next we made a trip to the Temple of Poseidon. This was odly exactly like the Parthenon and honestly after seeing so many ruins of the same exact things, I am less than interested. So instead we escaped the group down to the rocky coast an played around. It still amazes me how far out you can still see the bottom of the ocean! It is the clearest water I have ever seen! 

After this we made way to a monestary. This was super interesting to learn about. There are 10 nuns living in the monestary we visited and the one giving the tour told us all about their life and how they've devoted their lives to this. Gotta say, although I do want to be a missionary, living secluded with only women and no "fun" doesn't really appeal to me that much. However, it was very cool to see how they live and how they got there! 

Friday, March 20, 2015


Today we traveled along the north of the island heading west. We went to the Fortezza 

We then walked the city streets and came across the old couples home that make phylo, the dough that is used to make bakleva. It starts out pita size and he stretches it...

Then we got some authentic bakleva that the woman had made and it was the best I've ever tasted!! 

We next went to an olive oil press. This was so cool and there were three old Greek men that didn't speak any English but all of them kept fighting because they all wanted to be giving the tour. It was hysterical! Here we got to try some freshly made olive oil! Delicious!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Today we de boarded the ferry at Crete! Upon entering, I thought Crete was an absolute dump.. Especially after being at Nafplion! We went to a museum and then trekked to Knossos. Thi was a palace but with so many doors and passageways that it was intended to be a maze as protection. 

From here we traveled to Arheneis, a Crete village, for lunch. This was the cutest little village and had a little "town center" patio. I able to once again get delectable crepes and gelato :)

Then we headed back to the dumpy city... 
We went for a little round a bout walk an whattya know, I freaking LOVE IT!!!! Funny how that works! There is a little marina right next to the pedestrian street with shops and food. This might be one of my most favorite places! We were also able to watch the sunset 

I ❤️ Crete! It is perfect!!!

Crossing the Mediterranean

Last night we boarded a Ferry and traveled 10 hours overnight to the island of Crete. I have been on a ferry before but never one this big! We had a sit down dinner whih had terrible food and horrible service... But great company! And we checked out the upper deck! Sitting on the inside it seemed we were moving at snails pace, but when looking over the edge, we were indeed bookin it! 


Today we visited Mycenae. We saw some pretty cool tombs as structures and were able to go down in a cave! 

After this we went to a wine tasting and tour at a winery... Gotta say, I am more of a kool-aid kinda girl :) 

The perfect day

This morning, everyone was feeling quite adventurous and woke up at 530am to hike up and watch the sunrise. We hiked  999steps to make it to the top of Palemidi! It could not have been more perfect! After that we ran down to the beach and took a dip in the Mediterranean. It was quite chilly but hey, how many times are you in Greece?! 

Here is the highlighted route to the top... All of which are steps 

Road tripping in between

On the bus ride from Athens to Nafplion, we stopped at Epidaurous, a giant theater. This theater has a perfect circle in the center so the acoustics were incredible.

Next we stopped at the Corinth Canal 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


The last two days off journey har been spent in Nafplion, AKA, most beautiful place I have ever seen! 
This is the typical Greece you think of with cobblestone streets and the alleyway shops. Our hotel was an absolute dream... Basically a honeymoon sweet. And the view from our window was like non other

We first explored the Fortress of Palemidi, which I am pretty sure is a castle built for me :)

Some beauty shots of the streets

And we went on a walk around one of the peninsulas 

Driving into this place o wasn't sure if like it because we came from the newer modern back side but it is by far my favorite place so far. I wish we could've stayed here longer! I had an authentic nutella crepe and it was superb... Almost as good as yours mom ;) 

Monday, March 16, 2015


Last night and today we spent our time exploring Athens. 
This is the cutest restaurant we ate at 

the Olympic stadium 

Today we spent the morning walking the Plaka which is the middle of the town.
After that, we went to Agora, this is where the Greeks would buy and sell food and goods in ancient times.

Next we hit the Acropolis 

The Theater of Dionysus

We got lunch at the really authentic delicious gyro shop! And of course needed to splurge on some gelato right after... Main goal for the trip, eat gelato at least once a day! 
The afternoon was spent on a guided tour of the New Acropolis Museum, which I wish I could say I liked, but even our professor asked for the abridged version of the tour because it was so boring haha.