Monday, March 23, 2015

Do as the Grecians do

As I always say, this was the trip of a lifetime! This was my first international trip I've been on that hasn't been for mission work. There was so much to soak in and so many places to visit, but in all honesty, the things I'll remember most is nothing I learned in a museum. If I could change one thing, it would be to spend more time in the culture of Greece. After a while, the ruins all run together... I saw so many danm columns and sculptures with body parts missing! Although it was interesting to learn the history and stories of these ancient places, I thrived exploring with my friends in the streets of Greece. I will return one day... And when I do, I promise to not go back to a single museum!!! 
The people from my school group, as all groups go, we're not all stellar... There always has to be a few haha. But I would say that I was extremely lucky in the choosings! It was such that the people I didn't care to be around all formed a group of their own and the people I did, we bonded like never before! Spending so much time together really tests ones patients, but I definitely formed lifelong friendships. And I could not have been more pleased with the babysitters! The professors were incredible, not just in the sense that they really knew their stuff, but upstanding, funny, and laidback! They always encouraged us to stay up late and to go exploring when we had the chance to really experience this life. And of course, I charmed them as I do so well :) 
Here are some others pictures! 

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