Sunday, November 10, 2013


I don't think I ever shared this story... This story that has really changed my life and opened my eyes to impossible possibilities!

When in the Philippines, at one particular distribution there were so many children that we split the kids into two separate groups in two separate rooms. Even with separate areas there were about 300 kids per room. In my area we had the kids come up to get their box based on age group and at the end of the line were 2 twin girls. We got the first one through the line but ran out of boxes for the very last girl, so we told her to sit down and we ran over to the other area to get her another box. We gave it to her and the program proceeded without much thought. 
Later when we were walking around, I went over to the girls and the two twin girls were holding up pictures from two twins in America.....

Now take a minute and think of the journey this box went through..

1) the family packs the boxes and drops them of at the church
2) the boxes are picked up from the church along with many boxes from other churches to be delivered to the packing site
3) at the packing site thousand of boxes are thrown every which way with many people going through them and conveyor belts running wild
4) the boxes are shipped over seas to the different countries
5) the boxes spend weeks going through inspections in customs
6) the boxes arrive in the country at the national housing facility and are sorted by the team into all the different groups of boxes to go to different churches and schools
7) the boxes travel to the school or church and are separated out into the different age groups and gender
8) depending on how many kids, the boxes are separated again into smaller sections

.....I have truly witnessed a miracle! There is no possible way that this could have happened with out God! That the boxes even ended up in the same country is a miracle let alone the same school, but to have one girl make it through the line and not the other and then that there was even another distribution at the same school and to happen to grab the EXACT box?!?! 

The most important thing you can do is pray over your boxes. Pray about what to put in them, where they go, and that they make it to the right child! Miracles really do happen and they will with your help! So PACK BOXES!!!! I hope through this blog you have seen the need that I saw and been inspired as I have! The shoe box is such a simple way to fill such a big need! 
Collection week is next week which means there is still time!!! Fill some boxes and watch the miracles God has in store! 

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