Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Dare Devils that we are, decided to go white water rafting down the Nile. We traveled to Jinja, about a 5hour Ugandan taxi ride from where the Show Mercy base is, to this site called Nile River Camp. Walking into it, it seemed like a place for a bunch of hippies...which only meant we fit in quite well haha. 
At this camp they have a rope swing into the Nile, which was an absolute blast! 

And the next day we went rafting! Our guides name was Issac, and he was the coolest Ugandan I have ever met. The Rapids we went in were all class 5, but unlike most places in the U.S., the Rapids are caused from the water condensing into smaller areas for passage, so you don't really have to worry about rocks. There was one rapid in particular that mom and I both got thrown out. The Ugandans call this "very bad place" which feeds into "washing machine". We both saw our life flash before our eyes, and swallowed about half the Nile, so if you do decide to go rafting, I'm not sure how much water will be left :) it was an incredible experience! 

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