Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pieces of God

Like I mentioned, the trip I am on is a school trip- completely unfaith related. Today, however, was one of those moments where I was truly blown away by God's unfathamable hand. 
I was sitting at dinner with some 5th and 6th grade girls having our normal broken English chat about nothing inparticular when out of nowhere one of them says "do you believe in life after death?" We then dove into this incredible conversation about Christianity, Jainism, and Hinduism; about what each consists of and why. The girl that had start ted the conversation then told me how she prays but there are so many gods that she feels that she is speaking to no one, and that her religion does not believe in life after death, but "how can that be? Life can't just end?" Then she asked me to tell her the story of Jesus :) I know for a fact I could never do the story justice, I just hope I got all my facts correct! It's just amazing to me that 5th and 6th grade girls were so immersed into figuring out their faith. I know God uses me to plant a seed and I continually felt myself just smiling at the awe of the situation. 
If that wasn't enough, when I was doing my devotion, the scripture was Isaiah 6:8 "then I heard the voice of the Lord saying 'whom shall I send and who will go for us?' And I said 'here I am, send me'" ahh Jesus, you seize to amaze me :) 

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