Sunday, January 3, 2016

India? Don't mind if I do

The excitement hasn't quite kicked in... I'm more stuck in the surrealness of it, but tomorrow I will be traveling with 12 other Augustana students to India! We will be volunteering at one of the slum schools for 3 weeks and on the fourth week we will have the opportunity to see the sights. That will, of course, consist of seeing the Taj Mahal. It just hasn't quite hit me that tomorrow I will be in a new country seeing yet more wonders of the world that God has created! 

Other than this incredible trip, let me catch you all up on my life as of now...

I have decided on a major and knowing me, I can imagine that all of you will say that it's very fitting. I am doing an interdepartmental major or rather, a "build your own". You choose 3 different departments and pick and choose 4 classes from each to create the best fitting major; so I have chosen education, religion, and international studies. With this I am hoping to follow wherever God calls me into mission work and whatever other unimaginable things He's got in store :) 
I am really enjoying being an RA in the dorms! My floor is awesome and the job has made for some great stories thus far . As of now I am hoping to continue with this job next year as well. I am also teaching swimming lessons on campus and work as a student ambassador giving tours of campus through the admissions office. 
Also this year I have been trying to get more involved with my faith, to find more community. So at school I have joined campus outreach which goes to surrounding churches in Sioux Falls and leads youth lockins, and I have joined a bible study at my church- both of which I love! I have struggled with finding friendships and relationships with other students strong in their faith, but I'm  finding that it is true for all ages. I think we tend to shy away from bringing up faith in conversation, especially with our friends, but the friendships where that's possible make them all the more cherished. I've had a hard time finding someone whose striving to be as open about it as I am, but slowly I've been plugged into some pretty incredible relationships :) 

And no, to all of you wondering, I do not have a boyfriend! Not many guys I've met are super thrilled with the idea of living abroad as a missionary...kind of a deal breaker for myself. Haha 

That's all I got for now, I can't think of anything else riveting in my life to tell! I'll be posting soon, from the wonders of India!

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