Thursday, September 11, 2014

Figuring it out

My first official week of classes is down! It has been a long one but I am figuring out a routine and what all exactly these lovely professors want from me. Of all my classes, drawing seems to be the one that has me high strung and very stressed out but so it goes :) 
I can't complain too much about the meals... So far there hasn't been anything that I haven't liked and they have very healthy balanced meals for us as to not gain that freshman 15! And for the most part I've been good about not eating sweets...Sara and I have a pact to not keep food in the room that we'll snack on. However, augie has amazing blizzard machines soooo 😁 
I found a church last Sunday which I am super pumped about. It was recommended to me by a close friend from California that I met in Uganda. When I walked in they just happened to be havin a send off lunch with food catered from an African restaurant for a couple going to Kampala Uganda! Tell me that isn't a sign from God! So I introduced myself to the pastors and they wanted to meet with me the next day and I when we did I told them all about my trip and how I got here. We totally hit it off and they both said they thought it was were I belonged and I couldn't agree more. They now have me set up with a youth group and some other activities! 
As for everything else, Sara and I are just figuring it out :)
This is a concert by mockingbird sun that they brought in to us.. Fo free I might add
And we made some chocolate chip cookies on the pizzazz but they had to cool by the window (it was below freezing here) so we didn't melt the desk 

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