Wednesday, July 22, 2015


We have been talking a lot about stepping over "chicken lines". "Chicken line" is the term used to describe that thing where you draw the line and say "ha! Yeah right, I'm not doing that!"... Whatever you are too scared to do :) so our group discussions have been about the things that God calls us to do yet we shy away because we are scared, and the amazing things that will come if we just take the step over the "chicken line". For me it was going on one particular outreach. Luckily when I was here last summer, there were so many people on my group that it was always filled and I "didn't have the opportunity to go"... Aka "I didn't have to sign up!" All I knew about it, is that you go to a market shopping area and pray for people. Just walking up to people and praying for them is or was one of my fears. I think about random people coming up to me and doing that and I hate the idea. It seemed weird and awkward. Well I stepped over that line and went. That God fella, he seems to know what he is doing! This ended up to be one of my favorite outreach! 
This market is filled with little booths of people selling all sorts of fruits and veggies. We met several people and it was so much more than just praying for these people. The men and women we met wanted to share with us and hear our stories as well, they wanted to tell us about their kids, and what they sell. It wasn't like walking up to strangers but family you haven't seen in a while. We were also able to bless them all with clothing. They were like little kids at christmas and put it on and paraded around to show off what they got :) 

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