Friday, July 24, 2015


Meet Hanifa. Through the Ugandan outreach team, this amazing mother of 5 at the market came to know Jesus. In the time we've been here she experienced and told an amazing testimony. 
One of her fellow stand mates came to work on day to find a witchcraft charm hanging in her booth. The rest of the market was terrified and telling the woman she was cursed and was going to die. So Hanifa stood up and basically started laughing at them saying "God is so much stronger, this is foolish". But the people couldn't grasp this, so Hanifa picked up the charm and threw it. The people started freakin out telling her she was going to die and probably wouldn't make it through the day. Well I am happy to say Hanifa is definitely alive and well and an amazing leader for the market.  It has been so amazing to see her a couple times a week and minister to her...even though she is really ministering to us. This woman has remarkable courage and a heart of gold!

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