Thursday, July 24, 2014

Other people won't want what you have if they can't see it

This trip has been one of the most eye opening experiences of my life. I'm not really sure the proper words to say to give you all full understanding.Yes we've seen people be healed, we've seen people accept Jesus and be saved, and we've seen children overflowing with joy even in the crappiest of circumstances, but I personally feel changed. I have learned and soaked in so much and I am constantly learning from all the people around me. One of the things that has really resonated with me is the whole concept of Holy Spirit. Thinking about my church at home I honestly can't think of a time when the church acknowledged or seeked out the Holy Spirit. And being here I have found that the Holy Spirit has such a big role that is basically ignored in most churches. Holy Spirit is our comforter, our companion, our conscience, and our best friend. He is the way we speak to God and he is the open door to heaven. When you call the Holy Spirit into a place and ask for his presence, you can feel it! We have been talking a lot about spiritual giftings, and contrary to what I thought (that you can only have one spiritual gift) God has enabled all of us access to all spiritual gifts. All we have to do is ask! And not only that, but through him we have the power to heal the sick and cast away demons and save people! An analogy was said to me that I think makes things a little bit more clear, "when you are an ambassador in a different country you still follow the laws of your own country. You have diplomatic immunity. Well we are all ambassadors of heaven, therefore all that is granted in heaven is granted to us now on earth and we have access to everything in heaven" we have the same powers within us that we will have in heaven and through God we can make miracles happen. This isn't something just from bible times, this is now! 
One night we had a prophecy night with our team. So everyone drew a number to be kept a secret and then our leader would call out number 1. Then you would prophecy over number 1 without knowing who it actually was. For those who don't know, as I didn't, prophecy is when Holy Spirit speaks to you with words or images or audibly something of love and incouragement or instruction. This was a new and kind of terrifying experience as I had never had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. The steps are easy enough though, simply ask Holy Spirit to show you whatever you are meant to prophecy. For me it was more like "Lord I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to be doing but I want to do this." And I was spoken to, not audibly, but with images and words! I have thought my whole life that only others could do it. "Only if you are chosen can you have encounters with the Holy Spirit" but God speaks to all of us, we just have to be willing and ready to listen. 
The thing I have been struggling with is how to know when it's my imagination running wild and when it is Holy Spirit speaking to me. I've come to realize that if it something out of love then it is the Holy Spirit... It is such a powerful thing to know how close God is to us. And though most view him as a distant figure we can't quite reach, we have the door wide open to us through Holy Spirit 24/7. So many people call themselves Christians yet never experience the real relationship with Jesus. And that's exactly what it is, a relationship. Something to be built upon and made stronger. It takes practice. 
The other thing I've really come to realize it that all of the "stuff" we do doesn't mean a thing. We can give out all the food and clothing we want, and we can heal all the people we want. But it's truly about loving people. Showing them true unfathomable love... The kind that Jesus shows to us. The love is what makes the most impact. Love is what stirs our insides and makes us want to do good unto others.. Its what creates the ripple effect. And it's the love that sets people free! Other people won't want what you have if they can't see it. So you must show love to all! Another things I've learned is to not be judgemental which is so cliche but something I really struggle with. I am so quick to judge others and tear them down but I cannot judge others because God gave them more obstacles than he gave me... We are both children with the same father. Everyone deserves love. 
I've ultimately realized that I am and always will be a work in progress. My goal for the meantime is to SHOW people who Jesus is without needing to tell them.

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