Friday, July 25, 2014

The Heavenly Reality

Tonight was the most incredible night! Like I posted before, I've been learning so much during my time here, and I am expanding In so many different ways! I was so hesitant to post this cause I know y'all will think I'm crazy but here goes...

One of my good friends, Candace, had told me that she has had heaven encounters. And contrary to what you might think- like a ray of sun shines on you and magically you're transported to heaven experiencing it- it is more of a time spent one on one with Jesus. For every single person it is different and unique. Anyway, as she was telling me about hers I was totally enthralled and wanted to have one.. So naturally I sat down, squeezed my eyes shut and tried so hard to make it happen but all I saw was black.... Disappointing! Well tonight we had a time where she "set the scene" for our group so every one of us would have a heaven encounter. I was so doubtful because like I said, I'd already tried and failed... It was not going to happen. But that Jesus... He's got quite the sense of humor :) I had one! Candace set the scene by saying that Jesus is at the other end of a long hallway with a door... Picture what he looks like. He's holding the door open to you. Now you have to "lean in" and let him take you wherever you are supposed to go. 

Mine started in a forest. Jesus was holding my hand and we were just walking and when we came to the end, the forest opened onto a beach and we started walking the beach. It reminded me of the story where the man is in heaven and as he looks back at his life he sees two footprints in the sand-one was his and one was Jesus'- and then at rough points in his life there was only one set and he asked Jesus why he wasn't there with him and Jesus tells him that during those times he was being carried. That he never leaves us. So Jesus picked me up and then we were at the gates of heaven. The gates opened to me...whew! :) and Jesus and I started flying! At this point I still had a lot of doubt in my mind and I'm thinking it's just my imagination. So I tell Jesus to show me something that only I could know so i'd know it was real. Then suddenly we were back in the forest and Jesus was typing in coordinates to a geocache, and as he handed the GPS to me he looked me right in the eye and said "this is real". So we found the treasure in the forest and inside was a big old time golden key to which I was like well what the heck does this open? And when I turned around Jesus was holding this brown trunk like box that was glowing. And when I opened it I couldn't really get a good feel for what was in it (I think because I'll be back to see more) but there was this cool glass cup filled with a milkshake. So I asked Jesus if we could have milkshakes together, and we went to this old time soda fountain/ice cream shop. I had a chocolate milkshake already in front of me and I gave Jesus the option of either strawberry, pecan, or mint and he told me he really liked mint. So we had milkshakes together! 

It was such a simple "Vision" or encounter but it was so personal to me that I know it was real! We then went around the circle and people shared what happened and each one was so completely different. 

Like I said I know you're probly thinking I'm crazy, but I'm telling you... It's real!! People think that being a Christian sucks because you go to church every Sunday and Wednesday and sit and listen and repeat... Well that DOES suck!! But what about the kind of Christianity where you can visit heaven and have spiritual encounters?!?! Don't gip yourselves by being scared of the uncertainty as I almost was on this trip. God even says it only takes the faith if a mustard seed to move mountains, so have the faith of a mustard seed to take a step into the unknown! So many Amazing things can happen!! 

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