Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Boarding School

After an early 515am wake up call we headed on our 2hour bus ride to a boarding school. As we arrived they had a whole band playing for us!

Also all the kids made these beautiful flower necklaces and they were all lines up to put them around our neck!

There were around 40 kids at this distribution and they had an entire program prepared for us....beginning with these dancers who had prepared 6 months for our arrival

We were told that these children all came from the streets. Some were abandoned by their parents and some families just couldn't afford rent. Some of the children with families are able to live at the boarding house with food, education, and shelter and their parents work at the boarding school in return for all of those things. They have mostly preschool children but it goes up through high school and they had one college student as well. We were able to listen to some of their testimonies and the children were so focused on God! It was really incredible to see!

Then in the afternoon another school came to the same area to receive boxes. There were about 300 in this group and all if the kids that had received boxes from the morning wanted to be the ones to hand out the boxes to the new was probably the most precious thing I've ever seen!

This little girl told me how excited she was to have her very own angel with her all the time :)

Then at the closing, as if they hadn't already given us enough, we all received hand colored pictures with our very own notes attached!

By far my favorite day so far!!!

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