Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Today was distributions 1and 2! we started off at People's Missionaries Church with about 100 kids. The kids had no idea what we were doing there but we shared Gods message and brought out the boxes and the kids were so excited!

These two were going crazy once they got their boxes!!

And this girl was just overjoyed to have a new hat! She ran up to show me :)

For lunch we had fish and white rice

For our second distribution we visited a public school. There were about 300 kids and I was told that in the school they have 2 separate sessions because of how many kids there are. First is 6am-12pm and second is 12pm-6pm. And even with 2 sessions there are still 60ish kids per class room

This little boy got new shoes in his box! He told me that he couldn't afford nor had he ever had a pair of shoes

I couldn't believe how overjoyed they were! I also noticed that they were very protective of their box. Most of the kids have never received a gift like this or had anything of their own, so even for us to try and play with them or see what they got was hard because they were very skeptical and wanted to make sure nobody was going to take theirs. It was also very cool to be able to see that God truly provides exactly what each kid needed in their box. We were going crazy trying to get everything handed out....but God got every box to the right child! He really is incredible!

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