Thursday, July 25, 2013

Help Needed!

Today we started out at a school of 6000 children but only 200 received boxes. They told us that these children were chosen based on how much help they needed....however it was amazing to see the kids not receiving a box that were lined along the gates and were still able to hear the message! 

The kids praying over their boxes 

I had talked to this boy when we first arrived and later when he opened his box he came and found me to show me his new shirt! It fit him perfectly and you could not believe the excitement!

This is my friend named Cinderella!! :) she received a sewing kit in her box!

After an awesome distribution we went shopping!! Then our international team had share time to talk about what's going on In the Philippines, how they decide where boxes go, the process of getting boxes, and the things we can do to help. The number one thing they said was that they really needed prayers! You may not ever get the opportunity to personally deliver a box but they could not do what they are doing here unless we do what we can by packing a box and I can assure you that it is changing lives! 
The team here said that their goal is to have one million boxes in the Philippines alone in one year and I think with your help we can do it! There are SOOO many kids that still need to be reached and the shoebox is such a simple way to bring a child to Christ!
Please keep the Philippino people and children in your prayers!!

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