Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Change the World One Box At a Time

One of the things you may not know is that absolutely no one on the national team is paid. For every single person it is completely volunteer...most of them having families at home to support and a full time job. They have things happening in their lives like a wife with cancer, a child that passed away, and not enough money to keep a house. Yet through all their turmoil and troubles, they saw that the kids are the ones they should be there for. I believe that the devil will only seek to knock down what he finds threatening.... Therefor do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).....So this is my challenge to you, give up a weeks worth of coffee, Krispy Kreme donuts or whatever your vice is, and pack double the amount of boxes that you did last year! With your help we can see a box in the hands of every child in need and spread the word of God!!

1 comment:

  1. YES PLEASE!!! I will do it..I want to do it! Your blog and stories have been so inspiring! I would like to have more information on the program and not only do it with my family but present it to our church as well. I think it is an incredible program that doesn't take a lot of start up and is easy to do. Everyone can fill a box up! Especially when they know it is going to appreciative children! If you wouldn't mind emailing me the details?? Miss you more than you know.....we had a babysitter....! You spoiled me for life! Love You oodles!
