Monday, July 15, 2013

New York!!!!

The time has come for the vacation to New York! Let me tell you a little bit about how this came about....
Next Saturday I will be traveling with Samaritans purse on a mission trip. I'm not sure if you are familiar with that organization but they do operation Christmas child- this is filling shoe boxes with toys and personal hygiene items for children around the world that would not otherwise have it. So my trip is a distribution trip and I get to hand them out to all the kids!! 
I don't know a single other person going but all the students are around my age and there are 20 of us from all around the United States. Before the trip/the day of, everyone is flying in to JFK to meet up as a group and them we are all flying down together.....however, my flight was so expensive that they were going to fly me in the day before. Well then mom had a grand idea to fly in 5 days before and the flight was even cheaper! So now mom, dad, jake, and myself will have a vacation in New York before I leave!! 
We leave bright and early tomorrow! Woohoo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! CONGRATS on being the Distinguished Young Woman! I could not think of any person more deserving than you! We are so proud of you! Have fun in New York and have an amazing trip! I can't wait for the updates! Lotsa Love from You OTHER Family! We Love You!!!
